Thursday, November 20, 2014

Lazy Guacamole

We learned quite a lot this past week during our cleanse. I think we both went into it a bit scared to see what eating nothing but fruits, veg, nuts, coffee, and dark chocolate would be like. We've decided that it's not as bad as it sounds-we have since begun incorporating grains back in-I chose to first incorporate blueberry oatmeal while Jon went with a buttered DD bagel (just to give you an idea here).

We definitely came out of last week with several vegan recipes that we plan to tweak and keep on rotation for regular dinners. One of those things was what I have dubbed, "Lazy Guacamole". I have an unhealthy obsession with avocados and would happily eat them daily, and this recipe is so easy, that I probably could. 

I call it lazy because it doesn't require chopping onions (which I really don't care for in their raw state), and I chose to use halved grape tomatoes-thus, we have lazy guacamole!


  • 1 pitted avocado
  • 10-15 grape tomatoes cut in half
  • 4 TBSP of sweet corn
  • 4 TBSP of black beans
  • juice from 1/2 lime
  • 1/4 tsp chili powder
  • 1/2 tsp salt
  • Anything else you wish to add in! 


  • Pit avocado and cube-be very careful if you are holding the avocado and slicing into it. The best way to practice is to use soft, almost over ripened avocados and cube them with a butter knife.
  • Heat corn and black beans until warm on stove or in microwave
  • While heating, slice grape tomatoes in half and add to bowl with avocado
  • Once warm, add corn and beans, chili powder, and salt
  • Mix all ingredients together (TIP-I used a hand dough blender to do so, here)
  • Squeeze lime juice over the top and toss quickly
  • Enjoy! 


  1. I am LOVING this! Your photos came out SO great!
