I follow somewhere around 40 blogs on Bloglovin' (my blog wrangler of choice), and lately I haven't been keeping up with them as much as I'd like to (hello 700 unread posts in my feed). That being said, there are 4 blogs that I check EVERYDAY. I realized that I religiously follow 2 "celeb" bloggers, aka bloggers I don't know that are super popular as well as 2 "friend" bloggers, aka bloggers that I know IRL (Hay girls!).
As a person that is constantly striving to implement daily habits, the fact that these 4 women have captured my attention to the point where I wake up everyday ready to read their content says SO much! I thought this warranted a blog post and possibly a party!
I realized that of the 4 blogs, 2 can be categorized as lifestyle blogs, while the other 2 are definitely personal style blogs. Coincidence? I think not, keep reading below for my Four Fabulous Favorite Blogs!
If you aren't already following these ladies, I highly recommend doing so!

Celeb: Cupcakes & Cashmere by Emily Schuman

Friend: Bursts of Samm by Samm Baculi

Celeb: Damsel in Dior by Jacey Duprie

Friend: Clothes Minded by Jo (Davila)
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