My husband once mentioned to me that it's helpful to make a list of all the qualities you wish to cultivate in your life and embody. I always find myself wishing that I was more prompt, that I was better prepared, and that I was more focused on my goals. Well, I've always been of the mind that sharing your goals with others holds you accountable. Blogging is the absolute mecca of sharing, so I've compiled a list of 12 qualities that I plan to embody from this day forward, with the turn of the season as my chance to shed my skin and start over.
Using terms like "I am" and "I do" gives the impression to yourself and others that you already embody the qualities that you wish to enhance and provides a base of positivity for you to achieve and exceed your goals. Here's to positivity and me getting off my damn phone.
- I am 5-10 minutes early for all appointments (I also don't forget every hair appt. I ever make)
- I purchase birthday gifts and cards at least 1 week in advance
- My dogs never have accidents in our house (due to my own obliviousness)
- I wake up at 6am every weekday morning
- I do not spend money frivolously
- I eat healthfully 2/3 meals per day (starting small here, folks)
- I engage in physical activity 3-4 days per week (this is the biggest stretch on this list)
- I vacuum every other day #HairyHarry ain't no joke!
- I spend less than 1 hour per day on my cell phone [ this includes Instagram (!) ]
- I downloaded the app Moment ($4.99) to help track and set the amount of time I spend on my phone.
- I'm never late for work and I stay fully engaged and focused throughout the day
- I always take the stairs
- I have legible handwriting
You should know that I was very tempted to title this post, "Imma be" after the 2009 Black Eyed Peas classic that we all know and love, but "I am" came to mind first and I had already committed, so . . .
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